S.No | Select programme to download . | | |
1 | WAP to add, subtract, multiply, & divide two given number. | | |
2 | WAP to print your name on screen, with word hello. | | |
3 | WAP to calculate the simple interest, values should be given by user. | | |
4 | WAP to print a largest number among three numbers. | | |
5 | WAP to swap two numbers without using third variable. | | |
6 | WAP to print the sum of digits of a given numbers. | | |
7 | WAP to reverse the order of digits in a given number.(.e.g. 12345 to 54321) | | |
8 | WAP to check a given number is even or odd. | | |
9 | WAP to check a given number is prime or not. | | |
10 | WAP to check given number is Armstrong number or not. | | |
11 | WAP to check a given year is leap or not. | | |
12 | WAP to design a basic calculator with help of switch case. | | |
13 | WAP to show the use of goto/break/continue/exit. | | |
14 | WAP to print the sum, average, of first 10 natural number. | | |
15 | WAP to calculate the area of circle. | | |
16 | WAP to print the table of a given number. | | |
17 | WAP to find out the factorial/ square of given number. | | |
18 | WAP to calculate Xy | | |
19 | WAP to generate Fibonacci series up to 10 number. | | |
20 | WAP to print following star pattern. | | |
21 | WAP to print all even and odd number from1 to 40. | | |
22 | WAP to print all prime number from 1 to 20. | | |
23 | WAP to show the use of do-while loop. | | |
24 | WAP to create a function that can change lower case into upper case. | | |
25 | WAP to create function that can check whether the entered value is number or character. | | |
26 | WAP to create a function that can find the sum and average of first 10 natural numbers. | | |
27 | WAP to finds the decimal equivalent of a given binary number. | | |
28 | WAP to check whether a given number is palindrome or not | | |
29 | WAP to evaluate the following series. 12 +22+32+42+52 | | |
30 | WAP to differentiate between call by value and call by reference. | | |
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